A non-calculator test of 20 questions up to GCSE level on indices and standard form. There is space below each question where the answer can be written. This resource (on 3 A4 pages) is FREE to download. Answers included.
This free test is similar to one of the tests in my resource entitled “Six Tests – Number” which you may like. This suite of non-calculator tests (with answers) on 20 A4 pages contains two tests on general arithmetic involving questions on whole numbers, fractions and decimals. Other tests in the suite concentrate on fractions, or decimals, or percentages, or indices and standard form.
Six Tests: Number can be downloaded for £3.00 from my Irby MAths Shop.
This pdf (10 A4 pages) contains an introduction to the use of standard form (scientific notation) with examples.
The use of a calculator in performing standard form calculations is also discussed.
Three exercises containing a total of over 30 questions with answers are included. This unit of work is suitable for self-study and ranges from beginner to GCSE standard.
A set of six, non-calculator tests (with answers) suitable up to GCSE level. There is space below each question where the answer can be written.
The first two tests contain a mixture of questions including addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of whole numbers, decimals and fractions – I’ve classed these tests as “general arithmetic”.
Remaining tests concentrate on fractions or decimals or percentages or indices and standard form.
This pdf consists of 20 A4 pages.